South Africa

Things to do in Kruger National Park

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On many occasions, hearing the name of the African continent evokes a mysticism, a sense of escape into the wildness that lurks in the savannah and wilderness that takes the breath away from any adventurer who sets their eyes on Africa. Specifically in South Africa, there is one of the largest and most wonderful parks to see on the continent: the Kruger National Park, a paradise where nature takes over and leaves unforgettable scenes.

The Kruger Game Reserve is the perfect place to experience the beauty of South Africa at its best. It is regarded as one of the top five African safaris and its immensity of flora and fauna attests to this. Due to the rarity of the species that live here, such as the black rhino, the areas are protected to try and keep this fantastic reserve as safe and secure as possible. To make sure you don’t miss a thing about how to get there, read on to discover the secrets of the Kruger National Park.

What can I see in the Kruger National Park?

1. The spectacular fauna of the park

One of the main reasons to visit this extensive nature reserve is undoubtedly to see the diverse and captivating variety of animals that roam these parts. The number of species you can see in the Kruger National Park is vast and that’s why we don’t want you to miss out on any of the details of what you can find when you arrive at the reserve.

In the Kruger National Park, there are more than 2,000 lions alone, putting it on a par with the famous Serengeti Park. The list, of course, doesn’t end there: rinoceros,leopards, elephants and buffalo are other major players in the Kruger National Park adventure. In addition to these, other animals such as hippos, ñus and impala, as well as giraffes, roam freely within the confines of this spectacular natural environment.

Activities in Kruger Park
Rhinoceros you can see in Kruger National Park @Unsplash

Also, compared to other parks on the continent, getting to see the reserve’s main and most acclaimed animals is relatively easy, as there are a large number of them throughout the park. The great variety of animals is not limited to mammals such as zebras, or reptiles such as crocodiles; birds such as fish eagles, marabou, ibis and martial eagles fly over the skies of the Kruger National Park, while ostriches share the land space with the rest of the animals.

2. The main areas of the park

The wildlife that awaits in this nature reserve is incredible, but in order to enjoy it to the fullest, you’ll have to choose how you’ll make your way through the vast acres that make up the park. The Kruger National Park is divided into different zones and it’s important to choose wisely, as the animals are not always in the same place and you may miss out on spotting different species.

Some of the most relevant areas to visit are as follows: Crocodile Bridge, Lower Sabie, Skukuza, Satara and Olifants. This is because these areas have the highest concentration of specimens in the reserve and are easily accessible. However, as mentioned above, the animals are often on the move and these indications are only a recommendation.

1. Crocodile Bridge, Lower Sabie and Skukuza

One of the main areas we recommend is none other than Crocodile Bridge, the southernmost area of the reserve, which owes its importance to the Crocodile River found there. The river’s water makes life here more bearable, making it a great place to start your route and spend the night (or nights, depending on how much time you have to spend in the park) before heading deeper into the reserve. It’s a perfect spot for spotting big cats such as lions and also the awe-inspiring rhinos.

Another of the most famous areas is Skukuza and is in fact one of the areas where many organised tour groups choose to camp. This is partly because it has long been one of the areas where you could find the highest concentration of animals. Lower Sabie, just north of the aforementioned Crocodile Bridge, is another popular spot, mainly because it’s relatively easy to spot huge mammals such as hippos and elephants.

2. Satara and Olifants

Felinos to see at Satara, Kruger National Park @Unsplash

Turns to Satara and Olifants. At Satara, the kings of the show are the big (and not so big) cats, making this area a marvellous place to spot them. Also, as the area is sparsely vegetated, it is really easy to spot all the animals found here, which has led to an increase in the number of groups heading there.

At last we come to the Olifants area, renowned for housing Olifants Camp, one of the best-located camps in the Kruger National Park, which also offers great views of the surrounding area. You can spot many animals here or also visit the restaurant, which has great views.

What to see in the Kruger National Park in 3 days?

What to see in the Kruger National Park
Touring Kruger National Park @Unsplash

Natural wonders await you in the Kruger National Park that can only be seen in very few places on earth and this nature reserve is one of them. The truth is that you can enjoy it in a day well spent, staying at a camp or in Skukuza, one of the closest towns to the national park. From there you can travel solo through the park in a private vehicle and follow the signs.

If you have more days, you can leave from Orpen Gate and head to your campsite to leave your belongings behind. From then on, it’s best to spend the day game spotting until nightfall and return to camp for lunch and rest. The next day, you will have the whole day to explore other areas of the park and continue to enjoy the beauty of the park and its amazing animals. After your second day, on the third day you can continue to visit other areas that you have not yet explored and try to see as many species as possible, before returning to your starting point.

Where to stay in Kruger Park?

trip to Kruger Park
Cabins to stay at in Kruger National Park @Unsplash

As we know that planning everything that goes into a trip is tiring and to make your stay much more enjoyable, we’ve put together a list of some accommodation for your days in the Kruger National Park. Bear in mind that there are plenty of options

  • Bushlinks Safaris – Lower Sabie Rest Camp: If you want to experience safari to the fullest, staying in a tent is one of the most authentic ways to do it. Bushlinks Safaris has a camp in Lower Sabie, a perfect place to rest overnight and with all the essentials. The price for three nights and two people is around €175.
  • Protea Hotel by Marriott Kruger Gate: Very close to the Sabi River in Skukuza, this small guesthouse is an oasis of relaxation in the middle of the nature reserve. It has perfect facilities, air-conditioning and a price tag of around €590 for three nights and two people in spring.
  • Greater Kruger luxury at Oase:With spectacular views from the private decks, a pool all to yourself and dreamy facilities, Greater Kruger is a unique accommodation in the park. The price for three nights in the spring season is around €1296.

Where and what to eat in the Kruger National Park?

South Africa’s cuisine is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of travelling to the country. However, as the park is located away from the main cities, to enjoy the amazing food that South Africa has to offer, you’ll have to do so at the campsites or lodges you choose to spend the night in the park.

There you can try dishes such as Boerewors, South African sausages made with minced meat and seasoned with spices such as pepper, nutmeg and coriander. They are a real treat that you have to try, as are the Bobotie, a kind of meat pie also made with minced lamb and pork, as well as being scrambled with egg and seasoned with different herbs, ginger, lemon and sometimes even onion and curry.

What should I consider before travelling to Kruger?

  • The official currency of South Africa is the South African Rand.
  • At most tourist sites, cards are accepted.
  • Tipping 10% is the norm.
  • The best time to travel to Kruger Park is April to May or October and November.
  • Tap water is safe to drink in the country’s major cities.
  • It’s best to hire a car to get around South Africa.
  • The timetable is the same as in Spain, except when we change the time.
  • There are many languages spoken in the country, with English being the second official language, so you’ll be able to communicate in English without any problems.
  • If you are travelling as a Spanish citizen, you will only need a valid passport with an expiry date of more than 30 days from the date of departure from the country.
  • Hedge against possible medical emergencies: travel insured.
  • Tourist sites are generally safe, but just in case, be careful with your belongings and try to avoid travelling at night.

How to prepare what things to do on your trip to Kruger Park?

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all the possibilities.

  • Get inspired by the experiences of other travellers.
  • Create your own itinerary and add suggestions from the app to it.
  • Add the stops you’re most interested in, as well as the restaurants and bars where you want to eat (you can use the points of interest listed in this post as a reference).
  • Organise your itinerary by route days according to their location on the map (you can take inspiration from the routes presented in the post).
  • There are card-only restaurants.
  • Check the travel budget that the app calculates for you based on your travel stops, restaurants, and leisure activities.
  • Make any modifications you need to make and you’re all set for your trip.
  • Share your experience. Upload photos of the places you’ve visited on your trip to the app and recommend other travellers what to see in Kruger National Park.

However, if you have any doubts about how to do it, you can check our post: How to create a travel itinerary in Passporter.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to Kruger National Park

When is the best time to travel to Kruger National Park?

It will depend a little on your preferences, although we generally recommend travelling in the spring (between September and late November) as the temperature is more pleasant and the rain has not yet started to fall on the land. It’s also a great time to spot the park’s animals more easily.

Do I need a visa to travel to Kruger National Park?

If you are travelling as a Spanish citizen, you will only need a valid passport with an expiry date of more than 30 days from your departure date.

How do I get to Kruger National Park?

There are several ways. We recommend flying as close as possible to cities like Skukuza. These flights usually have a stopover in Johannesburg, but it’s worth the wait, as you’ll save almost a day’s travel time. You can also travel by road if you prefer, although as we’ve pointed out, it’s a much longer journey.

Where are the best places to stay in Kruger National Park?

Bushlinks Safaris – Lower Sabie Rest Camp, Protea Hotel by Marriott Kruger Gate and Greater Kruger luxury at Oase.

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