
Things to do in Ellora Caves

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Nestled among the Charanandri Mountains in the remote and inhospitable Deccan region are the Ellora Caves, a unique piece of world heritage: the Ellora Caves. It is a collection of monasteries of different religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Jainism. This impressive collection of monuments is made up of 34 caves, the majority of which are Hindu caves.

But without a doubt, each one of the Ellora Caves deserves its moment of attention (or, practically, worship). These caves, with rocks from the volcanoes in the area, were painstakingly sculpted, erecting monuments that have stood since the 7th century. Subsequently, different dynasties succeeded one another and ended up turning the caves into something unique, so remarkable that it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983. We’ll tell you all about it, so read on to find out.

What are the best things to see at the Ellora Caves?

1. The Hindu caves of Ellora

Starting the tour of these fascinating caves, we come across those of the Hinduist cult. There are a total of 17 caves of this religion, being the majority cult of the total of 42 caves that make up the tour. Such is the importance and magnificence of these constructions that it is impossible to recommend just one of them.

Among the highlights is the temple of Kailashanta (or Kailas), erected in honour of Shiva, the god of the beginning and the end. This temple, approximately thirty metres high, guarded by its two imposing main columns (which measure almost fifteen metres) is one of the most incredible you will see in Ellora. One cannot help wondering how such a monument was built on a mountain, as it is an exceptional work of architecture, replete with detail and engravings.

Besides the magnificent Kailas, among the Hindu caves are other exceptional works, such as the Ravan Ki Khai cave, where numerous engravings and sculptures adorn the entire length of the cave. Another cave that definitely has a special place on our list is Number 27, next to the Yelganga River waterfall. It is a spectacular construction, with two main panels carved into the walls, depicting various Hindu deities in great detail.

2. The Buddhist caves of Ellora

The Buddhist caves of Ellora India
Reclining Buddha you’ll see in Buddhist caves @Pixabay

With a total of 12 caves, the Buddhist caves are the second most represented of the 42 caves in total. Among them are constructions carried out for different ceremonial and spiritual purposes, such as the chaityas and the viharas. The chaityas are funerary temples, while the viharas are small temples where the bodhisattvas, the people who are trying to attain enlightenment, are represented.

Among the most prominent caves is cave number 6, which contains a beautiful mural of Mahamayuri, one of the bodhisattvas trying to reach enlightenment. Through this cave you can reach caves number 1 to 5, passing through a waterfall. In addition to these caves, another highlight is cave number 10: the Vishwakarma cave. This is the only cave that has a chaitya temple, a complex with a sombre tone and limited light, but it is enough to illuminate the image of the Buddha that rules the room.

3. The Jain caves of Ellora

We come to the last caves of the Ellora tour: the Jain caves. Here we find the 5 temples that have yet to be mentioned, where the most recent constructions await, and although they are not the most praised, they are certainly worth a stop to visit and admire their rooms.

The one we recommend the most is the Indra Sabha Temple: its details and architectural execution are reminiscent of the fabulous Kailash, so you won’t waste a single minute if you decide to visit it. This temple is full of details, such as its famous reliefs that decorate the walls and the huge central pillar, where the engravings with stories of the Jain religion are the protagonist. And speaking of stars, we can’t help but mention the spectacular sculpture of an elephant that adorns the central courtyard.

What to see around the Ellora Caves?

What to see around the Ellora Caves
Sculptures to see in the Ellora Caves @Pixabay


If you decide to visit the caves, chances are you’ll be staying in this city. It’s often overlooked as Ellora captures the attention of travellers, but it’s well worth a few hours to visit the town and discover its secrets. Aurangabad is full of heritage dating back more than five centuries.

Among the city’s highlights is the Bibi Ka Maqbara, a mausoleum that bears a resemblance to the Taj Mahal and was built several centuries ago during the city’s Mughal era. In fact, this temple is the work of the same mind behind the design of the Taj Mahal and although it is notably more austere, it is a true architectural marvel. We encourage you to visit it on your return from your Ellora adventure to round off your trip.

What to see in 1 day in the Ellora Caves?

Ellora awaits with a unique tour that will delight many travellers. But it’s difficult to take in all the temples it has to offer in one day. If you want to make the most of it, we recommend that you choose beforehand the temples you are most interested in visiting in order to make the most of the adventure.

The Kailashanta, the Ravan Ki Khai cave, the Vishwakarma chaitya and the Indra Sabha Temple are among the temples we recommend you visit. There are also organised tours that will give you the chance to see these and other temples that stand out from the rest. So, make sure you check before you set off from Aurangabad.

Where to stay in the Ellora Caves?

While there are many options for accommodation in the surrounding area, the nearest town is just over 20 kilometres away. It’s Aurangabad, a place where you can also grab a bite to eat and get your strength back for the intense day of sightseeing that awaits you in the caves. To make it easier for you to choose where to stay, we’ve put together a short list of our favourite places to stay:

  • Hotel Kartiki: An austere, unpretentious hotel, but one that more than delivers what is expected of it and includes lunch in the vast majority of its accommodation options. You can stay in a double room for as little as €70 for a weekend.
  • Hotel Girnar: Girnar is another fantastic option for accommodation, right in the centre of Aurangabad and with full facilities. It is priced at around €50.
  • Vivanta Aurangabad Maharashtra: If you want a luxurious experience during your trip, our recommendation is the Vivanta. It has impressive facilities and you’ll feel like royalty in rooms overlooking the gardens. The price for a weekend for two adults usually ranges from €270 to €300.

How to get to the Ellora Caves?

One of the easiest ways to reach Ellora is from Aurangabad, as it is the closest city to the Ellora Caves. It is well-connected to other cities further afield, such as Nashik, Pune and Mumbai. From Aurangabad, it is only a 26-kilometre drive by road.

You’ll still need to choose which route to take, based on the hours you have available and your budget. A great option is the Visvakarma, Kailashanta, Ramesvara and two of the Jain caves. It’s a great way to see caves of the different religions that make up the tour, in an excursion that lasts approximately 4 hours.

What to consider before travelling to the Ellora Caves?

  • A visa is required to travel to India. It can be obtained online and is usually granted in less than a week. The cost is around €70.
  • Be covered for medical emergencies: travel insured
  • The city is safe, but you are advised to exercise caution and keep an eye on your belongings.
  • The official currency of India is the rupee.
  • The traffic is crazy, if you can avoid it, don’t drive.
  • Driving is part of everyday life, so be prepared.
  • Best to avoid eating at street stalls and drinking tap water.
  • Don’t try to see the whole country in one trip, India is huge. If you have to choose, it’s best to start in the north.
  • The climate varies a lot from one area to another. If you’re going to the mountains, the best time is summer. For the rest of the country, travel is recommended between December and March.
  • Beware of scams, they are very common.

How to prepare what to see on your trip to the Ellora Caves?

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all the possibilities.

  • Get inspired by the experiences of other travellers.
  • Create your own itinerary and add suggestions from the app to it.
  • Add the stops you’re most interested in, as well as the restaurants and bars where you want to eat. You can use the points of interest listed in this post as a reference.
  • Organise your itinerary by route days according to their location on the map. You can take inspiration from the routes presented in the post.
  • Check out the travel budget that the app calculates for you based on your travel stops, restaurants, and leisure activities.
  • Make any modifications you need, and you’re all set for your trip.
  • Share your experience. Upload photos of places you visited on your trip to the app. Recommend other travellers what to see in Ellora Caves.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to Ellora Caves

When is the best time to travel to Ellora Caves?

We recommend travelling between December and March. You will find lower prices and also a much less aggressive climate, which will allow you to enjoy your stay even more.

Is it safe to travel to Ellora Caves?

As always, we recommend that you take special care with your belongings and hire official services. Otherwise, you don’t have to worry too much.

What are the most typical Indian dishes?

In India, some of the most typical dishes are samosas, thali, naan and vada, as well as the Lassi drink, made from yoghurt.

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