Czech Republic

Things to see and do on your trip to Brno?

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At the southernmost tip of the Moravian region, you will find one of the most important cities in the whole Czech Republic and a must-see on your trip to this country: Brno. Sometimes overshadowed by the capital, Brno is a perfect blend of the north and south of the Czech Republic. Impressive buildings abound, such as the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, as well as the imposing Spilberk Castle that crowns Petrov Hill, overlooking the entire city.

Things to do in Brno

The Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul

If there is one thing that defines the Brno skyline, it is the monumental St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. With its lofty position and 84-metre height, this building is the most impressive in the entire city.

The Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul is a Gothic-style building dating from the 10th century that stands atop Petrov Hill, at the highest point in all of Brno. But it is not the only monument to be found there, as you will also be able to see Spilberk Castle.

The Romanesque basilica has been rebuilt several times throughout its long history. And it is also the subject of a famous legend that has to do with its chimes. The chimes of twelve noon are rung an hour earlier, due to a plan hatched centuries ago by their ancestors to prevent the invasion of the Austrian army.

For those of you who are curious about the historical details, we leave it to you to discover the rest of the story the moment you arrive in Brno. It’s certainly something that will be worth it, not just for the history, but for the brutal views of the city that this spot offers.

The Spilberk Castle

If you’ve made your way to the top of Petrov Hill, you have a fantastic opportunity to also visit Spilberk Castle, a fortification that has stood guard over the city of Brno since practically its origins.

Brno was a city of great significance during the history of the Czech Republic and this medieval building was home to the country’s royalty until the 18th century, later regaining its origins as a watchtower and designated building for military forces.

It had to be rebuilt on certain occasions, as in one of Napoleon’s assaults, which destroyed it during the year 1809. Inside, it now houses the Brno City Museum.

But in addition to its importance as historical and cultural heritage of the city of Brno, the whole building is worth to visit. We recommend you to climb its castle tower, as it will let you appreciate everything you have to see in Brno from the heights.

Entry is allowed at almost all times of the year. You can also find the Museum of Prison Life inside, which will allow you to see Brno’s history from another perspective altogether.

The Crypt of the Capuchin Monastery

Running a bit away from the usual Brno city aesthetics, we come to one of the most peculiar recommendations on our list of things to see in Brno: The Crypt of the Capuchin Monastery.

In this gloomy place, rest 150 mummies, which in life were part of the Capuchin order of monks. In addition to these characters, also rest other relevant figures of the time who chose to rest in this place.

Thanks to the ventilation that this place has and the care of those in charge of the crypt, the mummies are preserved in a perfect state. It is definitely a stop you have to make in Brno, if you enjoy visiting places different from the usual during your sightseeing route.

The Old City Hall what to see in Brno

A few meters away from the city market, you will find one of the most important and unique buildings to visit in all of Brno: its old town hall. This would go unnoticed in the face of the new building, were it not for the interesting history that accompanies its even more peculiar design.

When you stand in front of this monument it will be impossible not to notice its leaning gate tower, which the story goes was a revenge of the architect of this architectural construction, since the government refused to pay him properly for his work.

In its interior you will also find curious details, such as the sculpture of a dragon, symbol of a mythological beast that is said to have haunted the area for a long time. Without a doubt, this is a building that you have to see in Brno.

The Villa Tugendhat, by artist Mies Van der Rohe

must see in brno
The Villa Tugendhat that you can see in Brno @unsplash

Architecture lovers, you have an obligatory stop to make in Brno, since the master Mies Van der Rohe left a piece in the city in the year 1930, the fruit of his unique style and thus earned the protection of Unesco.

After a request from the Tugendhat family, Van der Rohe set to work on this impressive architectural marvel. Unfortunately, the Tugendhat couple could only enjoy it for eight years, as they fled during the Nazi invasion.

Somewhat removed from the city centre, the best way to get there is to travel by tram to almost the door of the villa. In addition, taking a guided tour is a highly recommended option to fully enjoy the experience. You’ll discover a string of historical details that further enhance the visit.

What to see around Brno?


A historic city, not far from beautiful Brno, where fountains adorn and enliven different enclaves of the city. Olomouc is full of memorable corners of that drink from the Baroque influence, as well as unique architectural heritage in the country.

Without going any further. In its central square, you will find the column of the Holy Trinity. This is a baroque piece that was built as a result of an epidemic that struck the city during the eighteenth century. Due to its impressive size, this unique construction has a Christian chapel inside.

Another essential point of the city is its town hall and the spectacular astronomical clock that crowns its facade since the fifteenth century. And of course, do not forget to take a walk and visit the six fountains that are scattered around the city, each with its special character and representation of popular characters.

We tell you everything and more about Olomouc

What to see in Brno in 1 day?

things to see in brno
Monuments to see in Brno @unsplash

And if you don’t want to miss out on anything, with this itinerary we’ve prepared you can more easily choose what to see and do in Brno during your trip:

  • The Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul
  • The Crypt of the Capuchin Monastery
  • The Villa Tugendhat
  • The Old Town Hall
  • The Ossuary

Sites where to eat in Brno, Czech Republic

For those who enjoy all that the local gastronomy has to offer, here below we have left a list of must-visit places for you to do so:

  • Monte Bu Restaurant a Steakhouse: As the name suggests, meat is the star of the menu at this select locale. Its prices usually range between 25 and €30, but it is certainly a must-visit for meat lovers.
  • Amici Pizza & Burgers: Burgers and pizza, what more do you need? With affordable prices and unmistakable taste, this restaurant is a must stop in Brno.
  • Nase Vase Bistro: Italian cuisine and from other regions of Europe, where the fusion of flavors and attention to even the smallest detail are the essence of the place. Their prices for one person are around €10 and €15.

Where to stay in Brno?

So that you don’t have to worry, we’ve prepared a short list of places to sleep. So, you won’t have any problems choosing accommodation on your trip to Brno in the Czech Republic:

  • EFI SPA Hotel Superior: Its name suggests that this hotel is superior. Located right in the centre, this four-star hotel has everything you need to make your stay a real treat. Prices for two people are around €207 for the weekend.
  • Apartmány Brno: Homey flats that are very well located and from which you can move to all parts of the city. The price per weekend for two persons is €70.
  • Hotel Sharingham: Another perfect option where you can enjoy a comfortable stay with lots of services. It is located in the centre and prices per weekend are €143 per person.

How can I get to Brno?

Getting to Brno from Spain is relatively easy, as there are many flights departing to the Czech Republic from Spain. In addition, Brno has its own airport, so the journey is made easier.

The problem is that the connection is not good and the flights have at least one stopover. And it is usually of a long duration. So, what we currently recommend is that you travel to the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague.

This route is operated from all major cities in Spain. It takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes from the capital. Once you arrive in Prague, you can take a train to Brno, which has a frequency of about half an hour between trains. The journey takes approximately two and a half hours.

Tips on a trip to Brno

  • The best time to go to the Czech Republic is the months from May through September. This is also when more people visit the city, since the temperatures are much more pleasant.
  • The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech koruna.
  • We recommend that you exchange money before you set out on your trip, as it will be cheaper for you.
  • As European citizens, we also do not need a visa to enter the country, with the ID card or passport is enough.
  • Be covered for possible medical emergencies: travel insured.

How to organize what to see in Brno?

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all its possibilities.

  • Get inspired by the experiences of other travellers
  • Create your own itinerary and add suggestions from the app to it.
  • Add the stops you’re most interested in, as well as the restaurants and bars where you want to eat (you can use the points of interest listed in this post as a reference).
  • Organise your itinerary by route days according to their location on the map (you can take inspiration from the routes we present in the post)
  • Check out the travel budget that the app calculates for you based on your travel stops, restaurants, and leisure activities.
  • Make any modifications you need, and you’re all set for your trip.
  • Share your experience. Upload photos of places you visited on your trip to the app and recommend other travellers what to see in Brno in the Czech Republic.

If you have any doubts about how to do it, you can check our post: How to create a travel itinerary in Passporter.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to Brno

How do I get to Brno in the Czech Republic?

Our recommendation is to fly to the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. From there you can take a train, which will drop you off in about two and a half hours in Brno.

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