
Things to do in the Colombian Amazon

Things to do in the Colombian Amazon
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The Colombian Amazon is a vast rainforest region located in the south of the country. It shares a border with Brazil and Peru. This area is home to a great biodiversity, with an incredible variety of flora and fauna species. Many of them are unique and found nowhere else in the world. The Colombian Amazon is known for its rich tropical rainforests, rushing rivers and indigenous communities that have inhabited the region for thousands of years, making it an ideal destination for nature and culture lovers.

There are some cities that serve as gateways for visitors wishing to explore this fascinating region. Although most of the territory is made up of jungles and indigenous communities. Leticia, the capital of the province, and Puerto Nariño are two notable examples of such “entry points” to the region. Read on to discover all the things to do on a trip to the Amazon region of Colombia. In addition, we will offer you some useful tips for the trip.

What are the best things to do in the Amazon of Colombia?

1. Visit Leticia in the Colombian Amazon

The capital of the department of Amazonas is located in the Amazon rainforest, surrounded by lush vegetation and a unique biodiversity worldwide. It is known for being the most frequent access point to explore the Amazon rainforest in Colombia. In this magnificent and jungle-like city you will have the chance to see the Amazon River from its beautiful riverside promenade. As well you can visit marvelous parks and nature reserves. 

Its most famous park is the Santander Park, a popular place for locals and visitors, with large green areas, benches and resting spots. The Santander Park is a social and cultural meeting point. The events and activities there reflect the cultural richness of Colombia’s Amazon region. And if you’re interested in nature reserves, you can’t miss a visit to the Victoria Regia Nature Reserve, with its striking water lilies of impressive size.

In addition, Leticia has a variety of accommodation options, restaurants and tourist activities. All of it makes this city an ideal starting point for exploring Colombia’s fascinating Amazon rainforest.

2. Visit the Isla de los Micos in Colombia

The Isla de los Micos is a small island located in the Amazon River, near the city of Leticia. It’s also known as Monkey Island, because it is home to a large number of monkeys species in the wild.

To get there you should take a boat in Leticia that goes along the Amazon River. This pleasant ride takes about an hour. In the Isla de los Micos you can do various activities, such as watching monkeys and other animals that inhabit the island, canoe rides, walks through the jungle… In addition, visitors can interact with some of the monkeys that live there. However, it is recommended to follow the instructions of the guides to ensure the safety of visitors and animals.

It is important to mention that the Isla de los Micos is a protected area. So, we recommend visiting it with tour companies that respect the environment and wildlife.

things to do in the Colombian Amazon
The Isla de los Micos, one of the most special places in the Colombian Amazon @unsplash

3. Go hiking in the Colombian Amazon

Hiking is one of the main activities to do on a trip through the Colombian Amazon. It allows you to explore the jungle, spot native species and move to your next point on the itinerary.

This is an exciting and unique experience for nature and adventure lovers. Following the trails, you get to explore the lush forests. On your way you’ll discover unique plants and animals and immerse yourself in the local indigenous culture.

The Puerto Nariño to San Martin de Amacayacu route stands out among the best trekking routes in the Colombian Amazon. A route of 8.52 km and moderate difficulty takes about 3 hours to cover. Another famous route is the Ruta Wayruru, of 9.16 km and also moderate difficulty. The route passes through the indigenous community of Ziera Amena, a good opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture.

However, it is important to be properly prepared. It includes having a local guide to ensure safety and respect for the Amazon rainforest ecosystem.

things to do in the Colombian Amazon
Amazon landscape from Colombia @Pixabay

4. Visit Puerto Nariño

Puerto Nariño is a small town in the middle of Colombia’s Amazon jungle and one of its most famous spots. It is an indigenous community that stands out for their commitment to sustainability and conservation of the environment and the Amazonian ecosystem.

With sandy streets, colorful houses and lush vegetation, Puerto Nariño offers visitors an authentic experience in the Colombian Amazon rainforest. Its inhabitants, mostly indigenous people of the Ticuna ethnic group, practice a way of life in harmony with nature. They promote the preservation of natural resources in the Amazon rainforest. The town has some tourist attractions. One of them is the Tarapoto viewpoint, where you can see breathtaking panoramic views of the Amazon River and its surroundings. Puerto Nariño is a unique destination that gives you the opportunity to connect to indigenous culture. Also you get the chance to learn about the Amazonian biodiversity in a stunning natural environment.

things to do in the Colombian Amazon
Boat ride on the Amazon in Puerto Nariño, Colombia @unsplash

5. Bird watching in the Colombian Amazon

As you already know, the Colombian Amazon is a true paradise for bird lovers. It’s got an incredible diversity of species that make the region a top bird-watching destination.

With lush rainforests, rushing rivers and wetlands, the Colombian Amazon is home to a variety of habitats that support a wealth of endemic and migratory birds. There travelers can find colorful tucans, macaws, parrots, hummingbirds and many other species in their natural habitat. Expert local guides help to identify and spot the birds in their natural environment, providing a unique and exciting experience for ornithology enthusiasts.

The best time to visit the Colombian Amazon if you want to see these birds is from June to November. These months are the dry season, so rainfall is less abundant and it’s easier to get better visibility.

things to do in the Colombian Amazon
Canaries of the Amazon of Colombia @Pixabay

What and where to eat in the Colombian Amazon

The gastronomy of the Colombian Amazon is diverse and rich in flavors and ingredients typical to the region. Among the traditional dishes are: caldo de bocachico, a fish soup made with bocachico, yucca, plantain, cilantro, onion and other condiments; ayampaco, a dish made with beef or pork cooked in a bijao leaf, accompanied by yucca and plantain; and mote de queso, a thick soup made with mote (cooked and peeled corn), cheese, onion, garlic and cilantro.

  • Tierras Amazonicas: Our recommendation for dining in Leticia. A nice restaurant with traditional cuisine that excels for its intense flavors of the Colombian Amazon. Price range: 5-11€
  • Las Margaritas: The best place to eat in Puerto Nariño. Delicious, abundant and varied dishes in a restaurant surrounded by nature and good atmosphere. Price range: 5-11€

Where to stay in the Colombian Amazon

In the Colombian Amazon, there are several accommodation options. It all depends on the type of experience you want to have, the area where you want to stay, and your budget.

  • Indigenous communities: If you want to live a more authentic experience and learn about the culture and traditions of the indigenous communities of the Amazon, you can choose to stay in one of the communities that offer accommodation in their houses or cabins. Some of the communities that offer this service are the Ticuna community of Macedonia, the Huitoto community of San Rafael, among others. Prices are usually around 10-15€ per night.
travelling to Colombia
Crafts of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon of Colombia @Pixabay
  • Camping: If you want to live an even more extreme adventure, you can choose to camp in the jungle. That said, unless you are a real expert in the field, we strongly recommend that you do it with a company specializing in camping and expeditions in the Amazon of Colombia. There are several companies that offer guided tours through the jungle for several days with campsites and meals included. The rates tend to be around 150-400€ per person, depending on the number of days and people in the group.
  • Zugi Inn Hotel: And for a quieter, more relaxing experience, you can choose the Zugi Inn Hotel in Leticia. It offers comfortable and spacious rooms, as well as a garden and a fabulous breakfast included. The price per night is €20.

How to organize your trip to the Colombian Amazon

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all of its possibilities.

  • Get inspired by the experiences of other travelers.
  • Create your own itinerary and add the suggestions from the app to it.
  • Add the stops you are most interested in, as well as the restaurants and bars where you want to eat (you can use the points of interest we indicate in this post as a reference).
  • Organize your itinerary by route days according to their location on the map (you can be inspired by the routes we mentioned in the post).
  • Check out the travel budget that the app calculates for you based on your travel stops, restaurants and leisure activities.
  • Make the modifications you need and you’ll be all set for your trip.
  • Share your experience. Upload photos of the places you visited on your trip to the app and recommend to other travelers things to do in the Amazon of Colombia.

If you have doubts on how to do it, you can check our post: How to create a travel itinerary in Passporter

What should I know before a trip to the Colombian Amazon

  • The official currency in Colombia is the Colombian peso
  • The official language is Spanish.
  • Don’t forget to bring cash because many facilities do not accept credit cards.
  • Be covered for medical emergencies: travel insured.
  • Consult a doctor about necessary vaccinations and medications before you travel.
  • Be prepared for hot and humid weather. Wear appropriate, cool but long clothing and insect repellent.
  • Be cautious on slippery terrain in the jungle. Wear footwear suitable for this type of trekking.
  • Use sunscreen and wear eye protection due to the intensity of the sun in the jungle.
  • Keep your distance from wild animals and do not feed them.
  • Respect the cultures and traditions of indigenous communities.
  • Be careful when navigating in the Amazon in Colombia and on lakes as there are caimans, piranhas and other possible dangers.
  • Protect yourself against mosquitoes and carry repellent to prevent mosquito-borne diseases.
  • Respect the natural environment and follow the environmental rules established in the Amazon region of Colombia.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to the Amazon of Colombia

What is the climate in the Amazon of Colombia?

The climate in the Amazon region of Colombia is warm and humid throughout the year, with high temperatures and abundant rainfall. Average temperatures vary between 24ºC and 28ºC, with high humidity due to constant rainfall.

What is the best time to go to the Colombian Amazon?

The best time to travel to the Colombian Amazon is from June to November, in the dry season. Since there is less rainfall, it is more comfortable and easier to travel. In addition, there is greater visibility, which favors bird watching. From June to September there is a high water season and October and November is a low water season, so activities like kayaking are possible.

How to get to the Colombian Amazon?

The most common way is to arrive in Leticia, the capital of the department. There are no direct flights from Europe, they all make a stopover in cities like Bogota or Medellin. There are regular flights with commercial airlines that operate in the region, such as Avianca, Latam and Viva Air. Once in Leticia, a common way to get around the Amazon region is by riverboat, motorboat and even walking along many of its hiking trails.

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