
Things to see and do in Guilin, China?

Things to do in Guilin, China
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Guilin is one of these destinations that deserve a visit at least once in a lifetime and you’re about to find out why. Surrounded by crystal clear waters and breathtaking green hills, this brilliant scene of nature’s gifts is only surpassed by the sunsets that you can see from places like the Seven Stars Park.

There is much to see in Guilin! Besides the breathtaking natural scenery of its surroundings, Guilin will also surprise you with its cultural heritage and impressive monuments such as the Sun and Moon Pagodas. Don’t think twice and keep scrolling down to find out more about Guilin.

What are the best places to see in Guilin?

1. Elephant Trunk Hill

A corner that will capture your attention without hesitation and is therefore a must-see on your visit to Guilin, is the amazing Elephant Trunk Hill. It’s a work of art sculpted by nature over time that has become one of the most famous sites in Guilin.

It is hidden by the bushes, so to reach it and admire it properly, you must take a boat to the nearest of the rock formation. And, as its name suggests, it has taken the form of an elephant drinking with its trunk from the waters of the Li River.

Although you have to pay for the boat ride, it is a highly-recommended experience. Not only because of the amazing natural sculpture, but also because of how peaceful the trip along the Li River is. Still, if you want to avoid the boat ride, the best thing to do is to walk through the park near the Li River, until you get a glimpse of it among the tree branches.

2. The Sun and Moon Pagodas

Let’s move on with the plans and activities you can do around the river and the beautiful lakes that represent so much the essence of Guilin. If there is something you have to see there is the Sun and Moon Pagodas. These sister pagodas are located in the vicinity of Shan Hu Lake, located on a small hill.

In fact, the way to reach them is unmistakable. Both are visible from afar, even in the center of the city of Guilin. They are located in the center of Shan Hu Lake and offer one of the best views you can enjoy at sunset in the charming Guilin.

In addition to visiting them at daylight, at night the spectacle is just as memorable. The whole scene is dressed in different colors due to the illumination of the place. And of course, once you enjoy this marvel, we can not fail to recommend you to visit the Rong Hu Lake. It is located just on the other side of the lake and you can reach it by some charming bridges.

3. Zhengyang Avenue

If you want to get a better grasp of the essence of Guilin, you should visit the famous Zhengyang Avenue. It is the main lively artery of the peaceful city of Guilin.

Although it seems less impressive than the natural wonders found just a few meters away in Guilin, there you will find an infinite number of restaurants and entertainment businesses.There you will also discover clothing stores and all kinds of products brought from different parts of the world.

It is a perfect place to enjoy the local leisure, as well as to regain strength tasting the local gastronomy. You can try it in the different restaurants in the area. In addition, you will find a peculiar clock that has become a symbol of the city. It stands in the middle of a square and is supported by a structure made almost entirely of wooden sticks.

4. The Park of the Seven Stars

Guilin is famous for its spectacular and striking natural landscapes. The contrast between nature and the monuments that you can visit during your stay in this beautiful city is also very striking.

The Seven Stars Park perfectly combines all these elements, leaving spectacular views of the entire panoramic view of Guilin and its landscapes. In addition, on top of the hill where the park is located, there is also a series of pavilions and temples, as well as a series of very unique elephant sculptures.

This is the most famous park in all of Guilin. It offers the best views of the entire city. It is named after the four peaks of Putuo Hill and the three peaks of Crescent Hill, which form the constellation of the Big Dipper.

What to see around Guilin

things to do in Guilin
Visit beautiful Hills in Guilin @Unsplash

1. The Cave of the Reed Flute

Located about 5 kilometers from the center of the city of Guilin, this cave is known as a natural palace. The formations left by the passage of time and the action of the elements of nature are truly a visual spectacle worth witnessing.

Thus, if you have decided to spend more than one day visiting Guilin and its surroundings, a visit to the Reed Flute Cave is an excellent option to finish appreciating the natural wealth of the area. Access to the grotto costs around 120 yuan.

2. Yangshuo

Somewhat distant from the charming village of Guilin is Yangshuo, about an hour away, a journey that we definitely recommend, as its beauty is unique and rivals that of Guilin itself.

Yangshuo breathes tranquility. It is surrounded by steep hills and calm rivers. This unique destination near Guilin is a place of tranquility for all travelers who set foot in this beautiful destination.

It has become more popular due to the rise of backpacker travel and digital nomads abound there. Although there is still the vibe of peace. You can also feel the cultural heritage of the most traditional China. A very common way to get there from Guilin is by taking a cruise on the crystal clear Li River, a most pleasant experience.

What to see in 1 day in Guilin

things to do in China
Panoramic views on a trip to Guilin @unsplash

Guilin is a small city compared to other Chinese cities, but there are a lot of things to do there. So, 1 day is really not enough time to explore the whole city. Even so, we have prepared some suggestions for you to make it easier.

We recommend that you start your trip by visiting the Elephant Trunk Hill. After, you can take the opportunity to visit the Seven Stars Park. It offers great views of the city and the surrounding area.

On your way back to the city center, a great idea is to visit the Sun and Moon Pagodas. They are relatively close to the heart of Guilin and you can complete your tour on Zhengyang Avenue.

Where and what to eat in Guilin?

The gastronomy of Guilin is famous and, without a doubt, is one of the main attractions of traveling to this region. That is why we have prepared a recommendation of some places where you can enjoy it:

  • Mcfound (Qixing Road): Although somewhat removed from the city center, the wait will be worth it, as this restaurant is a true staple of Chinese and especially Guilin cuisine. Also, it is not particularly expensive, so you can eat for about 15€.
  • Chunji Roasted Goose Restaurant: As the name suggests, this place’s specialty is turkey. Although it can be complicated to order, it will be worth the effort for all that their menu offers at a more than affordable price.
  • Pizza Park: If you want to escape China for a few moments and transport yourself to beautiful Italy, there’s no better way than to go to Pizza Park. Its Italian food offerings are quite amazing and the price is very low, so we highly recommend it. 

Where to stay in Guilin

Sometimes planning a trip is a bit chaotic, so to make your stay much more enjoyable, we’ve put together a list of some accommodation options for your days in Guilin:

  • Secret Courtyard Hotel: This four-star hotel is outstanding in every way. Great facilities, beautiful surroundings and a weekend price of just €70.
  • Zen Tea House Seven Stars Park: Located somewhat away from the city center, the distance will be totally worth it when you enjoy the views from this fantastic hotel. It’s priced at around €80 for two people for a weekend.
  • Holiday Inn Express Guilin City Center: In the heart of the city center, this hotel is especially cozy and has complete facilities. Its price is about €140 for a weekend.

How to organise what to see on your trip to Guilin

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all its possibilities.

  • Get inspired by the experiences of other travelers.
  • Create your own itinerary and add the app’s suggestions into it.
  • Add the stops you are most interested in, as well as the restaurants and bars where you want to eat (you can use the points of interest we indicate in this post as a reference).
  • Organize your itinerary by route days according to their location on the map (you can be inspired by the routes presented in the post)
  • Check the travel budget that the app calculates for you based on your travel stops, restaurants, and leisure activities.
  • Make the modifications you need and you’ll be all set for your trip.
  • Share your experience. Upload photos of the places you visited on your trip to the app and recommend to other travelers what to see in Guilin in China.

If you have doubts about how to do it, you can check our post: How to create your travel itinerary with Passporter.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to Guilin

How to get to Guilin in China?

It is best to fly to a city like Beijing or Guangzhou, from where you can travel to Guilin either taking another flight or by train.

Where to eat in Guilin in China?

Mcfound (Qixing Road), Chunji Roasted Goose Restaurant and Pizza Park.

What are the best places to stay in Guilin?

Secret Courtyard Hotel, Zen Tea House Seven Stars Park and Holiday Inn Express Guilin City Center.

What is the best way to get around Guilin?

You can get around on foot to almost all the points we have included in the guide, although you can also get there by cab and of course, some places are accessible by boat.

What is the climate in Guilin?

We recommend avoiding visiting Guilin during the summer season. The humidity and heat will make your stay quite challenging almost all year round, but especially during the summer.

When is the best time to travel to Guilin?

There are times with moderate temperatures, such as late September to December, when many travelers choose to visit Guilin.

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