
Things to see and do in Cabo Ledo Angola

Things to do in Cabo Ledo Angola

Cabo Ledo is the most spectacular spot on the coast of Angola, famous for its white sandy beaches and stunning cliffs towering over the Atlantic. It is located about 120 kilometers south of Luanda and is a popular destination for surfers. There aren’t many things to do in Cabo de Ledo if we talk about museums or historic buildings, but if you like water sports and discovering new landscapes, it’s not to be missed.

Cabo Ledo offers breathtaking panoramic views, a relaxed atmosphere and the chance to enjoy the sun and sea in a natural and picturesque setting. So if you are organizing a trip to Angola read carefully. We will tell you everything you need to know about the most incredible beach in Cabo de Ledo and much more.

What are the best places to visit in Cabo Ledo?

1. Discover the traditional fishing in Cabo Ledo

Sport fishing is a very popular activity in the coast of the country because of the wide variety of fish among which we find tuna, mahi mahi mahi, swordfish and many other reef fish. In Cabo Ledo you can fish from the beach or in small boats with local guides. However, we recommend you bring your equipment from home or rent it in the big cities because in the Cabo de Ledo area you will not have an easy time looking for it.

Before starting the activity, we recommend that you read about the local fishing regulations, including minimum catch sizes and closed seasons for certain species.

2. Cabo Ledo Beach, the best place for surfing

The beach of Cabo Ledo is the main tourist attraction of the area for its fine sand and calm, crystal clear waters. In addition, the beach is surrounded by impressive cliffs and rock formations that make it unique. It is a perfect place to relax, enjoy the sun, swim and practice water sports in a peaceful and picturesque environment.

Cabo Ledo is also a popular destination for surfers, both beginners and experts. Depending on where you are at the beach, there will be more or less waves. Many of the beach resorts are designed to accommodate surfers, so you’re sure to find people to exchange experiences with.

things to do in Cabo Ledo
Ledo Cape Ledo Beach @shutterstock

3. Bird watching and reptile watching

Cabo Ledo is located in the heart of Parque Nacional da Quiçama. There you will find a wide diversity of habitats that give shelter to a multitude of birds such as herons or sparrow hawks. And also there you’ll find different reptiles such as snakes, geckos or lizards.

In order not to miss any detail we recommend find out about the migratory seasons of the birds and the best time of day to see the reptiles. It’s best to hire a local guide to get the most out of the experience.

Remember to bring binoculars, a bird and reptile guide, and a camera to document your sightings. Bird and reptile watching at Cabo Ledo offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the diversity of species in a stunning marine environment.

things to do in Cabo Ledo
Cabo Ledo @shutterstock

4. Monuments and historic buildings in Cape Ledo

In the region of Cabo Ledo we find some buildings with history such as the Church of Nissa Senhora da Muxima which was built in 1648. Or the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora de Ceiçao da Muxima, the most important Christian temple of the 17th century. It is a place where the slaves were baptized before being sent to America. Such is its importance, that this temple receives hundreds of pilgrims a year.

We also encourage you to visit other points of interest such as the Lighthouse of Cal do Bom Jesus, the Old Jesuit Church of Barra do Dande or the Archaeological Site of Ambriz.

Things to do and see around Cabo Ledo

1. Boat ride on the Kwanza River

The Kwanza River is located in the region of Cabo Ledo, in the Parque Nacional da Quiçama. And to visit it by boat is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the river landscapes surrounded by lush vegetation. During the ride you can spot different animal species and get to know the local villages.

We recommend that you check the safety and reputation of the company before booking the tour.

2. Luanda, the capital of Angola

Luanda, the capital and the political, economic and cultural center of Angola, is less than 2 hours away by road. The city is also a tourist destination in the country for its history and the Portuguese colonial legacy. It has left its mark on the architecture of renowned buildings such as the Fortaleza de São Miguel and the Cathedral of Luanda.  On your trip you can also visit beautiful beaches on the Ilha do Cabothe Mirador da Lua and the local markets. 

In this post we tell you more about this city that will probably be the start of your trip. Things to see and do in Luanda.

things to do in Cabo Ledo
Luanda @shutterstock

What to see in 1 day in Cabo Ledo

There is not much to see in Cabo Ledo, but the place invites you to stay several days relaxing and enjoying the good weather, the beach and water sports. As we have seen above, in the Quiçama National Park there are many points of interest worth visiting. However, unless you have a car, these excursions are usually booked from Luanda.

Cabo Ledo is an isolated destination where there is hardly any accommodation or restaurants. Ideal to disconnect and enjoy a quiet vacation.

Where to stay in Cabo Ledo?

In Cabo Ledo accommodations are not plentiful, so many tourists prefer to stay in Luanda and take a day trip to Cabo Ledo. Still, in and around the area you can find some options like the ones we describe below.

It is very common to refer to beach accommodations as resorts. But be aware that they have nothing to do with the typical resorts with activities and all kinds of services. Rather, they are simple and clean places right on the beach.

  • Carpe Diem Resort Tropical: is a nice resort perfect to enjoy the beach. It has Wifi, a garden with a swimming pool and a restaurant. It is a nice, quiet and simple place. The price is slightly higher than in the surrounding accommodations.
  • Pousada Doce Mar: This is an inn with clean, beautiful rooms and spectacular views. The complex has a swimming pool, garden and a restaurant.
  • Queiroz Point Eco Resort: In this accommodation of small private cabins you can live a unique experience in a quiet and idyllic place in front of the beach. The prices are very economical and they offer breakfast.
things to do in Angola
Lodging in Cabo Ledo @raquelseque

How to get to Cabo Ledo

If you are traveling from abroad, you will most likely land at Luanda’s airport, the Quatro de Fevrereiro International Airport, from where you can reach Cabo Ledo in the following ways:

  1. Car: is the most common way to get to Cabo Ledo. From Luanda you will have to take the EN100 road heading south. The distance is approximately 120 kilometers and the trip can take about 2 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
  2. Bus: you can search for intercity bus services traveling from Luanda to Cabo Ledo. Be sure to research the available options and bus schedules in advance.
  3. Tour or excursion: some local travel agencies may offer tours or excursions to Cabo Ledo, which could provide you with an organized and comfortable experience.
  4. Private Transportation: consider renting a private vehicle or hiring a cab service to reach Cape Ledo if you prefer a more personalized, though also more expensive, option.

Where and what to eat in Cabo Ledo?

In Cabo Ledo, just as there are not many lodgings, there are not many restaurants either. Therefore, it is common to eat at the resorts in the area or take food from home. Here are some suggestions of places to eat in the area:

  • Restaurant 120 na Braza: it is a nice restaurant on the beach where you can eat grilled fish and seafood. The dishes are plentiful and the price is very economical.
  • Resort Carpe Diem: is one of the best resorts to eat in the area. They offer international food such as pizza, hamburgers or salads.
  • Wembu Resort: is a quiet place with good views where you can enjoy a very nice meal on the beach.
Cape Ledo Gastronomy @unplash

What should I consider before traveling to Cape Ledo

  • The Angolan Kwanza is the official currency of Angola. However, they also generally accept U.S. dollars.
  • It is illegal to take currency out of the country, you must exchange it before arriving at the airport if you don’t want to be penalized or even detained.
  • The documentation required to travel to Angola is the passport (which must be at least six months valid when you enter the country), visa (except for people who have Portuguese nationality, as they will be exempt from this requirement as it is a former colony), and international vaccination certificate.
  • The international vaccination certificate is very important when traveling to Angola and must include the yellow fever vaccine. However, it is also advisable to have received other vaccinations such as hepatitis, tetanus, typhoid, polio and meningitis C, although these are not compulsory.
  • The official language of Angola is Portuguese, but more than 40 Bantu languages are spoken in the country.
  • Hedge yourself against possible risks: travel insured. The Angolan health system leaves much to be desired, and in case of an accident you will need to go to a private clinic. With a good insurance you will travel with peace of mind and you will be fully covered against possible emergencies.
  • Do not drink tap water, only bottled water.
  • Travel with plenty of cash because with the exception of a few hotels and restaurants, credit cards are not commonly used nor are there many reliable ATM machines.
  • The best months to go to Cape Ledo is between April and September.
  • Angola is quite safe but some precautions should be taken: it is recommended to avoid walking, going out at night or visiting troubled areas.
  • Book hotels well in advance to avoid exorbitant prices.

How to prepare what to see on your trip to Cabo Ledo

Register or download the Passporter App and discover all its possibilities.

  • Get inspired by other travelers’ experiences, photos and itineraries.
  • Organize your trip by the categories that suit you best: dates, number of days or type of trip (beach, mountain, restaurants…).
  • Add your friends so that they can see and modify all the plans and trip information.
  • Create your own itinerary of your destination with everything you feel like visiting each day.
  • Add the stops that interest you the most, including your accommodation, restaurants, museums…
  • Book your flights, accommodations, transfers and activities through a single app.
  • Save all your documents in the app to have everything always at hand: reservations, boarding passes, important documentation…
  • Make any modifications you need and you’ll be all set for your trip
  • Share your experience with other users. Upload photos of the places you have visited on your trip to the app and inspire other travelers with your experience. In addition, you will be able to share your own travel tips and recommendations on the things to do in Cabo Ledo.
  • Enjoy your trip to Cabo Ledo!

If you have doubts about how to do it, you can check our post: How to create your travel itinerary with Passporter.

Frequently asked questions about a trip to Cape Ledo

What currency is used in Angola?

Angolan Kwanza is the official currency of Angola. However, US dollars are generally accepted in the same way.

How many days do I need to see Cabo Ledo?

There is not much to do in Cabo Ledo other than enjoy the beach and surf. So the length of the trip will depend on your interests.

Is it possible to drink the tap water in Cabo Ledo?

In Cabo de Ledo and the rest of Angola it is preferable to drink bottled water.

What is the best time to go to Cabo Ledo?

Temperatures are mild all year round. The dry season is from April to September, although during this period it is less hot with highs of 25°C.

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